Rymax Lubricants, Delweg 8, 6902 PJ Zevenaar, The Netherlands, guarantees that all engine oil products will meet or exceed the performance levels as claimed. Regardless of operating hours or covered distance, Rymax Lubricants will take financial responsibility for any damages in parts and labor to your machines’ engine, caused by oil failure as long as:
• Analysis is done on the concerning oil based on a sample taken from the engine.
• The oil used is confirmed to be unadulterated and non-contaminated Rymax original product.
• The Rymax oil meets the engine manufacturer’s specifications for the service and application.
• The engine is used under normal operating conditions and maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.
To ensure usage of our Warranty Service report the product failure to an authorized Rymax distributor. To make a claim under this warranty it is necessary to provide the following as part of the technical investigation:
• Records showing that the engine was serviced according to the OEM’s recommendations.
• Deliver the used Rymax engine oil, along with detailed information of machine and fluid hours, dates and an oil sample for the failed engine for analysis to determine if the oil is defective.
• Make the failed engine available for investigation if necessary.
Rymax Lubricants does not accept liability for indirect or consequential damages. Your rights and remedies pertaining to this warranty are limited as set forth herein.
Herman Peene General Manager
Zevenaar, version: 06-2020
P.S. A copy of this document on an official Rymax letterhead is available from Orbit Industrial upon request